Almost every Tuesday, I go into the Juvenile Jail and spend time with six or eight teenage girls. Some have been there for months, others just arrived a few days earlier. This week was really special. There wasn’t enough room for everyone at the table, so we all sat on the floor. One of the girls was very thoughtful. She got her bed mattress and folded it in half so I could sit on something a little higher and softer than concrete.

As we sat in a circle, I opened with centering and prayer. Then asked what they wanted to talk about. Their questions started pouring out.


“What does it feel like to be in love?”

“How do you know when you’re in love?”

“Is there a heaven and a hell?”

“When will I find my purpose?”

“What is my purpose?”

“Why is the world so evil?”

“What does God look like?”

“I know who God is, but what is the correct religion?”

“Will I go to hell for being gay?”

“What must I do to have a good life?”


Needless to say, we didn’t get through them all in one evening. I’ll have plenty to talk about in the coming weeks! The flow of conversation opened up, talking about BEING rather than DOING, and I guided them in expressing what they appreciated about each other’s personalities and building up their community. For many of the girls, they only have each other.


I always give the girls a paper and pencil to write their private prayer requests, and I hold them sacred. I also give them the opportunity to pray for them individually if they want.

One girl asked for prayer for self-hate. When I prayed with her, I led her through a Transformational Meditation (TfM). In the TfM, I took her into a meditation and her subconscious.


Me: Imagine a picture or symbol of God.

Her: It looks like a beautiful waterfall.

Me: Imagine a picture or symbol of the part of you experiencing self-hate.

Her: That part looks like fire and pieces of broken glass. It is very mean and tells me I don’t deserve to live.

Me: Are the fire and broken glass aware of God as the beautiful waterfall yet?

Her: Yes, they are aware that God is there.”

Me: Do they trust God?

Her: Yes, they trust God.

Me: And what is God’s viewpoint on that?

Her: God says that I am valuable and loved and have a purpose. I am to be kind to myself. I feel I am supposed to go into the waterfall and everything will be alright. The water can handle the fire.

Me: Would the part like to be able to believe that?

Her: Yes, it would!

Me: Then bring your two hands together and let that integration happen. Let me know when it feels complete.

Her (a few minutes later): Okay, that feels good!

Me: So this is about BEING in the waterfall. What’s your plan?

Her: I’m going to be kinder to myself and not believe the lie that I’m not valuable. God loves me. He told me that.

Me: And you believe that?

Her: Yes! I do believe that.


 This took about five minutes. I am blessed to lead people through Transformational Meditation every single day. Guiding someone to connect with their Higher Power and shift an area where they are stuck so they can know who they are is a privilege. I am grateful God has called me to do this work. I’ve seen countless serious issues shift. Working with this young woman was very special because God had something important He wanted to say to her.


If you are stuck in some area of your life, relationship, or business and would like to experience this, I’d be happy to chat

No strings attached. It would be a privilege to spend a few minutes to help you get unstuck, too.