Publishing FAQs

Becoming a published author can provide you with a passive income and boost your career. But publishing can be complex and confusing.

We’ve been publishing books since 1995 and we’ve answered some of the most common questions. We even categorized them to make finding answers easier.


What types of authors do you work with?

We work with all types of authors. If you are writing any of these types of books, we’d love to work with you!



Memoir to leave a legacy

Art or photography book

Business how-to

Spiritual journey to freedom

Art/craft how-to

Children’s story

Guide to enlightenment

Steamy romance



Young adult

Illustrated book

What if I don’t think I can write?
We believe everyone has something to say. We believe that every person has a voice that needs to be heard and that only you can say it in your way. It doesn’t matter what you are writing; your perspective is unique and needs to be heard. You may need some help refining the work, and we can help do that, but only you can express your point of view.

So, we’re here to coach and support you in expressing yourself in the most powerful and magnetic way possible. Our Author Coaching will make your book better. Schedue a call with Keren to discuss your book today! LINK

Do you offer author coaching?
I work with you to establish the hook for your book, your content strategy, and book outline. I give you feedback on sections of your writing so that you can correct mistakes early and write the best book possible. I coach you in your writing process, how your book can bring in revenue, and much more. When we’re done, you’ll have great first draft!


What free tools do you offer?
Check our our FREE Book Launch Planner and get your book into the hands of readers!
How many words on a page in a book?

There are about 250-300 words per page.

Why become a published author? How can a book help my career?
  • Increase your credibility and influence
  • Attract more clients and boost sales in your business
  • Greater opportunities such as speaking gigs and podcasts thus prospecting
  • Ability to raise your prices for the things that you’re doing as people see you in a whole different light
  • Use the book as follow up for prospects/networking – gifts
  • Right to put Author in your bio and email signatures
How do I know if I can even write?

Almost everyone asks this question; you are not alone! We believe everyone has a voice that needs to be heard and that some people can only hear your voice. We believe that once the pump is primed, creativity comes flowing out of you. The more you write, the better you get at it. Our Author Coaching will get you unstuck and flowing.

How much time do you need to finish writing your book?

First draft:  When you are writing in a flow state, it should take about 40 hours to get the first draft of a 200 page book written.  A 400-page book will take about 80 hours.  Our monthly writing workshops provide 24 hours of time and we hold the energetic space so that you can get the first draft of your book written in two months

.Second draft:  It has been said that great writing is in the rewrite and that is true. The second draft of a book can take anywhere from 3 months to 9 months depending on how many hours you dedicate to it.  Our writing workshops provide the time and energetic space to get the rewrites done faster and with less effort because we intentionally create a quantum space for the information to flow.

Professional editing phase:  Depending on the quality of writing, editing can take 3 months.  Sometimes a book needs to go through 3 rounds of editing.  See types of editing in the FAQs.

Can someone tell me if my book is sellable?

Yes, we evaluate the condition of the manuscript and to see what it would take to make it sellable. Quantum Shift Media do a high-level evaluation and analysis of your manuscript that encompasses the following. It is not a developmental edit. It covers:

Structure | How the story advances; how characters are introduced and developed; pace of the story.

Story | Goal of the story is clear; voice/perspective clear and strong; plot development; elements the book may need such as more sensuality, suspense, or action.

Mechanics | Recurring grammatical issues; effective word choices; good use of adjectives and adverbs.

Mission | Does the book have more to say and if so, determine where. Feedback is sent back in comments in the Word document itself.

Editing | Estimate how much editing the book needs. As we review your work, we make editorial comments throughout the book so you will have practical feedback about areas you could improve. If the author chooses to work with Quantum Shift Media on editing their work, the cost of the book assessment is applied toward editing.

What if I need help writing my book?

Our Quantum Shift Media Workshops are a great place to start to get your writing birthed or revised. Regularly scheduled online writing sessions are held on Zoom several times a week. The Workshops are designed to create a dedicated and inspired space for you to write whatever is churning around inside you. It could be your book, memoir, weekly blog, or your months’ social media content. Through this group, we tap into the divine source of inspiration and creativity so that content that makes a difference in the world can flow through us.

For more information, check out
Writing Workshop.

Do you offer editing services?

Yes, we offer 3 levels of editing services:

Basic copy editing: Correcting problems of grammar, style, repetition, word usage, and jargon. Copy editing includes one revision at no additional charge. Turnaround time is typically is three business days. Estimated dependent on book length and number of rounds of editing needed to refine the book.

Substantive (line) editing – A professional editor will work on your book refining the writing; organizing the flow of content, creating a table of contents; proofreading for grammar and punctuation while keeping your voice and tone; reference checks, copyright page content, author bio, author offerings in back of book. Estimates are dependent on book length and number of rounds of editing needed to refine the book.

Developmental editing – Intensive, substantive editing that looks at the big picture, organization, and strength of the book. The document is evaluated as a whole, and problems of structure, organization, coherence, and logical consistency are corrected. Sentences may be removed or added. Paragraphs may be rewritten, condensed, or expanded. Blocks of text may be moved from one section to another. We look at pacing, characters, tense, plots, points of view, and dialogues. Developmental editing considers all the aspects of a manuscript that make the book readable and enjoyable. Because of the extensive nature of this form of editing, it is more time intensive and costly. However, it is worth the investment if you are serious about succeeding as an author. Estimates are dependent on book length and number of rounds of editing needed to refine the book.

For more information, check out Book Editing

How do I determine the price of my book?

Most books are between 90,000 and 100,000 words. Teen books are generally around 55,000 words.

According to Amazon’s data feeds:
The Hunger Games is 99,750
Sharp Objects is 80,565
and my utility calculates it at 80,137.
Atonement is 123,378

A 200 page novel is about 60,000 words.

How many words in an average book?

Most books are between 90,000 and 100,000 words. Teen books are generally around 55,000 words.

According to Amazon’s data feeds:
The Hunger Games is 99,750
Sharp Objects is 80,565
and my utility calculates it at 80,137.
Atonement is 123,378

A 200 page novel is about 60,000 words.

How can I make the interior design process easy?


Before you begin the layout, here are some tips to make the interior design process smooth:

1. Use some Beta Readers for your book to make sure your message is clear

2. Have an assessment done on your book by a professional editor. When you are writing a book, it is easy to have tunnel vision and see things subjectively. A good objective review of your book can make a big difference.

3. Make sure your book has been through all 3 phases of editing by a professional editor (not a family member unless they are a qualified):
a. Developmental Editing
b. Line Editing
c. Proofing

4. Put your manuscript in the proper order
a. Title page
b. Copyright information in order and verified
i. All Rights Reserved Text
ii. ISBN numbers
iii. Publishing contact info
iv. Library of Congress CIP data
v. Credits
1) Publisher
2) Creative Director
3) Managing Editor
4) Project Editor
5) Art Director
6) Book Design
7) Illustration
vi. Printed in USA (or other country)
vii. Feedback info if errors are found
c. Table of Contents
d. Dedication
e. Introduction
f. Chapters with clear indication of the chapter separations
g. Book Club questions if applicable
h. About the Author

5. Provide a good bio photo of you

6. Provide a well written summary of the book for the back cover

What services do you provide in a collaborative book?


Before you begin the layout, here are some tips to make the interior design process smooth:

1. Use some Beta Readers for your book to make sure your message is clear

2. Have an assessment done on your book by a professional editor. When you are writing a book, it is easy to have tunnel vision and see things subjectively. A good objective review of your book can make a big difference.

3. Make sure your book has been through all 3 phases of editing by a professional editor (not a family member unless they are a qualified):
a. Developmental Editing
b. Line Editing
c. Proofing

4. Put your manuscript in the proper order
a. Title page
b. Copyright information in order and verified
i. All Rights Reserved Text
ii. ISBN numbers
iii. Publishing contact info
iv. Library of Congress CIP data
v. Credits
1) Publisher
2) Creative Director
3) Managing Editor
4) Project Editor
5) Art Director
6) Book Design
7) Illustration
vi. Printed in USA (or other country)
vii. Feedback info if errors are found
c. Table of Contents
d. Dedication
e. Introduction
f. Chapters with clear indication of the chapter separations
g. Book Club questions if applicable
h. About the Author

5. Provide a good bio photo of you

6. Provide a well written summary of the book for the back cover

How many books do I have to order?

No! You can order 1 or 10 or 1000 copies of your book anytime you want and have them shipped to wherever you want. We recommend keeping at least 25 copies of your book in stock to sell and give away as gifts to clients. If you are going to have a speaking gig, you can order the books to be shipped directly there.


When my book is printed, will it reflect the corrections I made to my manuscript after it was uploaded into my Client File?

The book is already in layout, so the changes you made to the manuscript will not be reflected. You will need to make a note of them and you can request the changes when you get the Round 1 Proof layout in PDF format.

What if my book has pictures or images?

Your book can include as many images or graphics as you desire, however, there would be an additional cost to the layout. Every image should include a caption so that every reader knows what they are looking at. We provide the worksheets to make this process easy and avoid mistakes.

What if my book has pictures or images?

You will have two rounds of changes to the pdf of your book cover. Any additional changes on round 3 will incur additional cost. You need to provide us a high-quality bio photo as well as your short bio for the back of the book. You also need to provide the book summary and we will help refine the text if needed.

How many rounds of changes can I make to the book cover?

You will have two rounds of changes to the pdf of your book cover. Any additional changes on round 3 will incur additional cost. You need to provide us a high-quality bio photo as well as your short bio for the back of the book. You also need to provide the book summary and we will help refine the text if needed.

Will I have the opportunity to review the book prior to printing?

Yes, you will have 2 rounds of changes to the PDF layout. We will give you instructions on how to notate each change.

What about the cover design?

We provide three or four professionally designed book covers for you to choose from. Your book will include:

  • your name, title and subtitle on the front cover
  • your title, name and QSMedia Publishing logo on the spine
  • summary of the book, your short biography and bio photo along with contact information, business logo, the QSMedia Publishing logo and website along with the ISBN #
Do you provide the ISBN on the back of the book?

Yes, you will receive an ISBN # for the print version and that would be reflected in a barcode on the back of your book cover. We also provide an ISBN for the ebook format and the audiobook format if your wish to publish in that format.

What do I include on the copyright page?

Quantum Shift Media will give you a template to follow to make sure the language on your copyright page includes everything you need. We’ll guide you step-by-step along the entire publishing journey.


What can becoming a published author do for me?

Publishing a book opens many doors. It can increase your credibility, opening doors to speaking opportunities or presentations. It can increase your sales of not only books but the work that you do, bringing you more clients and selling bigger packages. And it can increase your impact because a book can reach many more people than you can in person. Becoming a published author can take you and your business to new heights.

Who should choose self-publishing?

The 98% of the rest of the world. These include people just like you and me. A new generation of business owners who want to make a difference in the world. They could be

  • consultants
  • executives
  • lawyers
  • financial planners
  • doctors
  • coaches
  • moms and dads
  • aunts and uncles
  • yoga instructors
  • chefs
  • artists
  • grandparents
  • entrepreneurs
  • travelers
  • adventurers
  • dreamers
  • romantics
  • athletes
  • philosophers
  • teachers
  • leaders
  • social justice advocates
  • YOU!

The main reason to self-publish is that if you don’t get a big advance, the advantages of self-publishing far outweigh the disadvantages.

What are the advantages of traditional publishing?
Advantages Disadvantages
Monetary advance prior to publishing Only 1% of proposals are accepted, so it is almost impossible to get a publishing contract. Author does not make any royalties until the publisher has recouped its investment. Royalties are in the 10% to 15% range. If you book sold for $25, you would need to sell 4000 copies to break even on a $5000 advance.  After the advance is paid for, authors continue to receive 10-15% of the royalties.
Publisher invests the money to publish the book (and they usually can ensure professionalism) Author has very little say in the editorial changes to the book or the cover design.
High potential for traditional media coverage Author is also required to heavily promote the book to the public. Depending on the book contract, the publisher may not invest as much in media as they would for a well-known author.
Bigger chance of bookstore placement Very slow to market (2+ years)
Author does not own the rights to the book
Sends signal of validation (to some people) Author loses control of marketing
No creative or content control
Limited financial upside
Won’t do niche books
Is a Copyright needed for my book?

Authors own the copyright to their work automatically. Additional copyright protection is not essential but you may want to file a formal Copyright for your work. An attorney can answer this question for you from a legal and business perspective.

How do I actually get paid?

Quantum Shift Media sets up a print account for you. Once the account is set up for, you have secure login so that you can enter your credit card to pay for book orders and your banking information so that you can enter your financial information to pay for book orders and have profits from book sales be automatically deposited into your account. You have complete control over the printing account and can place orders whenever you want.

How long have you been publishing books?

We have been publishing books since 1984 and we know the industry. We’ve watched to morph from typesetting and blueline proofs to desktop publishing to the world of on-demand printing that we have today.

What is involved in publishing a book?

There is a lot that goes into publishing a book. At Quantum Shift Media we help you in every aspect of getting your book published including:

refining/editing the content assessments of manuscripts getting ISBNs
filing copyrights
professional book cover design professional book interior design eBook conversions
print service setup
developing a business plan market research
identifying your target market marketing your book
building your launch team
book release events
getting on the Amazon Best Seller List
setting up Author pages
email campaigns
gathering endorsements and reviews
creating a press release kit creating a web presence and capturing emails
book give away campaigns
blog writing
social media strategy
…and MORE  

What is the difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing?

There is only ONE major difference between them:

Self-publishing – you own the rights and royalties.

Traditional publishing – the publishing company owns the rights and royalties.

For 98% of authors, self-publishing is the best choice.

With Quantum Shift Media, YOU own the rights and royalties. All profits for all time are yours. All expenses are also yours.

With self-publishing, you have control of everything about your book.

Am I able to update the cover or text of my book once it is printed?

Absolutely. This is one of the benefits of working with Quantum Shift Publishing. We will give you an estimate of the cost to change the interior files and/or the cover, but the benefits almost always outweight the costs of updating your book. There will be a small charge to update the book content and upload new files, but you can update the book’s interior content or cover anytime you need to.

Who owns the Copyright and the ISBN on my book?

You own the Copyright. The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is assigned to you and your book title.

Who should choose traditional publishing?

It can take 3 to 5 years to get a traditional publishing house to accept your book and you will need a literary agent to do so. It is a long and difficult process. However, if you get an offer of an advance of $500k or more, take it! The most common types of people who choose traditional publishing include people who can get these types of deals such as

  • celebrities
  • famous athletes
  • Hollywood actors
  • some politicians
  • big-name CEOs
  • well-known authors who’ve sold thousands of books already

For everyone else, we recommend self-publishing.

What are the advantages of self-publishing?
Advantages Disadvantages
You own the rights and royalties of your book You’ve written a great book but now you need to design a professional cover and layout, create an ebook, and then market it.
You have complete control over all aspects of your book It’s time-consuming to learn, navigate, and manage the complex publishing process by yourself.
Fast on the market (6 months once the book is written) If you hire excellent professionals to help you, it can be expensive.
Complete control over marketing There’s either a lot of work or a lot of money, to get it right. And there is a lot of risk if you don’t.
Complete creative control  
Complete freedom, no gatekeepers telling you what you can and cannot do  
Significantly high-profit potential  
Can do niche books which can be a big advantage for authors in business and/or public speaking
Do I need my own publishing company?

People don’t buy a book based on the publishing label. You can certainly …label. We recommend using our Quantum Shift Publishing label because it gives you a lot of credibility.


Can I make money publishing a book?

If you are Stephen King, JK Rowling, or Danielle Steele, yes you can definitely make a good living writing and selling books.

But being a best-selling author is not the only definition of being successful. You can make a great passive income writing books. However, you can make a living without even selling a single copy. If you self-publish, you can earn much more money on each sale. However, the value does not come just from the sales but from the relationships you build with people around your book. Perhaps your book is a lead to get names on your mailing list and sell your packages or programs. Perhaps it gets you in the public eye if you’re goal is a political position. Your book can be a public relations tool that allows others to know, like and trust you. In additional to selling copies, it opens doors.

Do I have to use the Quantum Shift Publishing Brand?

No, if you want to use your own publishing company label, we can produce and market your book just as if it were one of our own books.

What are the most common sizes of books?

We’ve published all kinds of books for authors. The book size really depends on the goal of the book. Here are some common sizes:

Children’s Books: 7” x 10,” “5” x 8,” 11” x 8.5,” or 8.5” x 8.5”.

Novels: 5” x 8.”

Non-Fiction: 5.5” x 8.5,” 6” x 9,” or 7” x 10.”

Fiction: 4 x 7,” 5” x 8,” 5.25” x 8,” 5.5” x 8.5,” or 6” x 9.”

Art Book: Generally 8.5 x 11″ or 9 x 12, but you can be as creative as you want here!

We’d love to talk to you about your book project.
Schedule a free call with Keren.

How do I determine the price of my book?

We will work with you to do a competitive analysis of your book and determine the best selling price for your market.

What is the working relationship with Quantum Shift Publishing?

Quantum Shift Publishing handles all aspects of your book process including editing and refining your work, creating the cover and interior, printing the book, book launch and marketing. You retain ALL rights. You retain ALL revenues. The print account set up for you has secure login so that you can enter your credit card to pay for book orders and your banking information so that income from sales can be automatically deposited into your account. You have complete control over the printing account and can place orders whenever you want.

What’s the difference between an ISBN and a barcode?

An ISBN is a like product number. A barcode is how the actual number is translated so that it can be read by a scanner so that bookstores can sell it.

How do I file a copyright form for my book?

Filing a copyright form is optional. Having the Copyright date and (c) symbol on your book is sufficient. However, if you choose to file a formal copyright, here’s the link. The instructions about filling out the form can be found on page 1 of the form.


How will people find my books?

Marketing your book is essential. Just writing a great book is not enough if people don’t know it is available. Your book needs several things to really succeed: A competitive book cover, an interesting title, a compelling description, a good web presence, a good social media presence where you can connect with your readers, a solid marketing plan. But probably the most important is writing another book. And then another.

How to get a book on the New York Times list and what the NYT Book List is about?

The New York Times list is a ranking of the best-selling books in the United States. It is created by using data from Nielsen BookScan and has been publishing since 1997. Books on the list are selected based on their sales for each week during the year and include books released in paperback, hardcover, audiobook, and e-book format.

➡️Fast sales – rewards short window of time for many sales rather than steady sales
➡️Double counting – a book sale can count twice and modify the results
➡️Manipulation – the author can buy large numbers of their own book and affect the list, and retailers can inflate the numbers they report thus manufacturing a best-seller
➡️It’s “curated” meaning they decide and hand-pick what they think it’s noteworthy
➡️Outside of the Romance and Horror genre, there’s very little chance to be featured if you’re not published by one of the big five publishers.

Ways to help the odds

➡️Pre-sales help
➡️5000 + in a week is a good benchmark to catch their eye

Why does Amazon sometimes drop its prices?

Amazon sets the price based on algorithms, so there could be a number of factors involved in price changes. Here are some of the factors:

  • Its knowledge base knows more books will sell at that price.
  • If the book is already doing well, algorithms think it will sell even better with a discount. And, the more books you sell, the more money Amazon makes.
  • Amazon has a small number of books in stock that aren’t selling, and it wants to save on warehouse space.
How can you help market my book?
  • Market Research includes keyword research, competitive analysis, book category research, AMS Keyword Search (Amazon Marketing Services). Real data regarding what Amazon book buyers type into Amazon, as well as the number of searches Amazon shoppers use for that keyword each month as well as what other books are using that same keyword. That information is used to build a compelling and optimized Amazon author page. 
  • Website Opt-In page on current site to build your mailing list and promote your book before its release.
  • Press Releases including creating a Media Press Kit – Book Tip-Sheet, emailing the press kit to Newswire for release to journalists. Registering you with journalists as the expert in your field for interviews. 
  • Website for the book on a new domain (Home, About, Book, Contact) Your website needs to be built around you, not around your book. Purchase the domain name of the book title and point it to your website. Don’t just rely on Facebook or your publisher’s website to act as their main online presence. The site needs to have a strong About page that makes people know, like and trust you. We show you how to use blogs to build your audience so by the time your book is published, your followers already know you. We show you how to use your website to get more people to sign up to your mailing list. 
  • Email campaign – We write and launch an email series with a free offer to create buzz about the book before release. We write the content and manage the campaign and responses for you.
  • MailChimp setup and create branded template email. Email is the most effective marketing tool available, so it is crucial to grow your email list. Social media is powerful, but you cannot guarantee reaching someone on social media. But your emails land in their inbox. We offer writing and launching of email campaigns as an additional service. 
  • Marketing Collateral can include the design of Postcards, Business Cards, Bookmarks, Posters (client to print).
  • Author Pages – we set up your public profiles on all the book sites that matter. 
  • Social Media Strategy – choose 2 platforms where your target audience spends their time and we will help you build a presence on that with regular posts, positioning you to become the expert, offering free resources, and building a following. Choose between FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER | writing content + 2 months posting for 16 posts.
  • Blog Writing to keep readers interested in your book, it is important to provide regular and fresh content based on your book. It is recommended to write a blog at least twice a month and repurpose it on all your social media platforms. 
  • Endorsements – As your publisher, we will create an email campaign requesting endorsements for front pages of book and inviting them to the Book Release party; includes writing letters, writing different endorsements for them to put their name to, follow up emails and phone calls, verifying the information they send, responding to questions, formatting responses for inclusion in the layout (up to 25 people who you want to endorse your book).
  • Reviews – A few weeks after release, get 10 to 20 solid reviews of your book. Friends and family reviews are great, but a review by a verified purchaser is even better. As your publisher, we will solicit professional reviewers asking them to review your book, offering to send them a free eBook copy.
What is involved to get on the Wall Street Journal top seller list?

Wall Street Journal and Amazon bestsellers are more feasible for a newly self-published author.

WSJ uses the Nielsen book scan

Your sales will count in their data compiled if you print with Ingram

To qualify you’ll likely need to aim to sell 5000 in a week


Can I ship directly to my consumers?

In terms of fulfillment, there are two ways your customers can purchase a copy of your book:

A. Through your website: If your customers place their orders through your book website, you can place orders for them through your print account we created and have the copies shipped directly to the customers. The benefit of doing this is that you are selling the book at its retail price.
B. Through retailers: Once you approve the final proof of the book and enable the global distribution of your book in your print account, the title will be available to over 40,000 retailers and libraries including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. The book is purchased by these retailers at wholesale prices. You are not involved in any steps of these transactions, they happen automatically.

Will my book be on Amazon and Barnes & Noble?

Yes, your book will be on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and in every other bookstore catalog.

What is my cost for those books?

The cost of the book to authors is set by the printer. A paperback with black and white interior is going to be less expensive than a hardback with glossy color paper. Typically a 5.5 x 8.5″ paperback with black and white interior is around $6.25 depending on the number of pages in the book.

How do I get paid when a book is sold on Amazon?

When Amazon or another book distributor sells your book, they order copies from your print account. They buy the book at a 60% discount so that they can make money. Your print account prints the books and ships them to Amazon. You do not have to do anything; it all happens behind the scenes. The money from the sale between the printer and Amazon is put in your account and the printer will deduct the cost of the book. The remainder of the money is automatically deposited every month into the bank account you set up.

On Amazon, will my book have the Look Inside feature?

Yes, it generally takes 9 or 10 days for the Look Inside features to show up on Amazon.

If I want to order more books later, will my cost be the same?

You will need to log into your account and place an order for books. You will need to verify the credit card you have on file before the order can be placed. Paper costs change on supply and demand. The price of the book may be slightly higher when you order additional copies at a later date.

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It’s FREE and will save you a lot of time and trouble. You’ll find answers to questions such as:
Can someone tell me if my book is sellable?
What if I don’t think I can write?
What if I need coaching?
What free tools do you offer?
…and MANY more!

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