Making Your Message


Your clients are attracted to messaging they can connect with. Is my point clear? Is it getting through? Do I have a clear idea of what I want to say?

We will walk you through the process of transforming your message until it is strong, clear, and capable of attracting your ideal clients.

We will help you establish your offerings and services and value ladder so that you can sell your products, transform lives, and make money.

A 7-week Live and Hands-on Course Designed to Help you TRANSLATE and TRANSFORM your Ideas.

Reach Your Full Potential

Uncover what is keeping you stuck and releasing upper limit issues so that you can reach your full potential. We will be working on a brand and business assessment so you know where you need to focus your energies. We'll look at the connection between money and energy and set intentions for our business.

Magnetic Messaging

Matrix Part 1

Clearly communicate the problems you solve and the results you bring to your ideal client so that they can connect with you. When you know what you are offering, you can easily sell it. When your messaging is clear, people listen. This includes understanding your client’s urgent wants and the modalities you have to meet them, your Essential Marketing Message, your benefits and brand promises, what to say to overcome objections, and your transformational story.

Magnetic Messaging

Matrix Part 2

Continuing to work on your magnetic messages and determine your 5 main benefit points as well as your 3 brand promises. We will write some messaging around myths or mistakes in your business and some hooks around them. Then we'll determine your client mile markers, answer their top 3 objections and write your transformational story.

Services, Offerings and Packages

Establishing the services you offer that solve your ideal client's problems; your door; your packages and prices; your value ladder and lowest common denominators; how to create a high-value program; and cash infusion essentials.

Brand Your Ideas

Your branding sells YOU. It needs to resonate with your essential energy. Your branding is your first connection with your potential clients so they can know, like, and trust you. It is important! We will talk about your brand archetype, your color power profile, words and phrases that describe your values, images that represent your brand, good font choices, and how your personal appearance is part of your branding.

Find Your Ideal Client

Stop wasting time and energy working with people who can’t pay you or are not really interested in your services. Understand exactly who your ideal client is, what their values are, and where to find them so that your energy is spent working with people who are a good fit for you. Start working with people who can afford to pay you.

This is for spiritually-minded entrepreneurs who are serious about making an impact through their business.

Note: This program is intended to empower you to write the magnetic messaging. It does not include copywriting, designing a logo or business card, or any other task outside the scope outlined above. These and other services such as branding, web design, editing, publishing, and private coaching, copywriting, implementing systems and workflows, ongoing social media are offered by Quantum Shift Media at an additional cost.

Up to 50K words

Up to 75K words

Up to 100K words

Coaching sessions are held once a week and typically last 2 hours. Sessions will be held on Thursdays. All sessions are live on Zoom, so that we can give you hands-on coaching for your message.

At Quantum Shift, we know we are nothing without the support of like-minded individuals. Our Quantum Tribe Facebook group will provide a community of additional support and camaraderie for your business and creative endeavors.

Up to 50K words

Up to 75K words

Up to 100K words



I enjoyed the coaching class very much, it was time well spent. The exploration of the "upper limit" and "what I deserve" topics were very helpful. Keren does a really good job in knowing where each of the people on the call are and treated each of us individually while we were in the group coaching session. The coaching is very valuable for me as I try to get a handle on the many aspects of my business.


Singer/Songwriter, Nashville, TN

Serving Clients Worldwide


[email protected]


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